
How We Can Help

Join us from start to finish as a Two Shrews author, or go a la carte with our editing, development, or copyediting services.

We are not a vanity press, so we will never charge you to publish your book if we acquire it. However, if your project is not right for our list, we may still be able to assist you with editorial services. Contact us to learn more about our services and rates.


What We Publish:

Whether we’re publishing collections of stories and experiences from underrepresented populations (think: girls, refugees), collegial guides for succeeding in male-owned realms, feminist memoirs, or feminist fiction, think of Two Shrews as your friendly neighborhood feminist bookstore. When you need to recommend something to your best friend . . . We’re your best friends in publishing.

We have a particular interest in publishing the stories of marginalized groups, including reading guides and resources, for better community understanding of these groups.